Davenports and kettle drums and swallow tail coats table cloths and patent leather shoes bathing suits and bowling balls and clarinets and rings and all
He went down down down and the devil called him by name he went down down down hangin' onto the back of a train he went down down down this boy went solid
I got a belly full of you and that Leavenworth stuff now I'm gonna get out And I'm gonna get tough you been lying to me How could you crawl so low with
Well the eggs chase the bacon round the fryin' pan and the whinin' dog pidgeons by the steeple bell rope and the dogs tipped the garbage pails over last
Well I pulled on trouble's braids and I hid in the briars out by the quick mud stayin' away from the main roads passin' out wolf tickets downwind from
Well it's hotter 'n blazes and all the long faces there'll be no oasis for a dry local grazier there'll be no refreshment for a thirsty jackaroo from
up like butterfly wings and a mad dog that wouldn't sit still he went and took up with a Salvation Army Band girl who played dirty water on a swordfishtrombone
Пераклад: Уэйтс Том. Swordfishtrombones.
: Well with buck shot eyes and a purple heart I rolled down the national stroll and with a big fat paycheck strapped to my hip sack and a shore leave
: I plugged 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six and a Black Crow snuck through a hole in the sky so I spent all my buttons on an old pack mule and I made
: (Instrumental)
: Well the eggs chase the bacon round the fryin' pan and the whinin' dog pidgeons by the steeple bell rope and the dogs tipped the garbage pails over