Silence the cry, stepping back further Escape from the mind, my mind Twisting inside, looking for shelter Find the divide in me Oh my God, what have
Silence the cry stepping back further Escape from the mind , my mind Twisting inside looking for shelter Find the divide in me Oh my god what have I
- it's all too much It's just the sound of a silent cry Just the sound of a silent cry Crying in the moonlight - darkness closing in I fear for the
Face of God and Held he'll be in his Arms Cry of Glory - I Shout through his Mouth Cry of Glory - hides Away the Sun Cry of Glory - hides Away all Sights Cry
Пераклад: Фідара. Silent Cry.
Пераклад: Redeema. Silent Cry.
Пераклад: Silent Cry. Задыхнуліся ў Darkness.
Пераклад: Silent Cry. Салодкі Серэнады.
Пераклад: Silent Cry. Успаміны З Будучыні.
Пераклад: Silent Cry. Last Goodbye.
Пераклад: Silent Cry. Нявіннасць паглядзім.
Пераклад: Silent Cry. My Tears ўсё яшчэ падаюць.
Пераклад: Silent Cry. Віно Танец.
Пераклад: Silent Cry. Момант часу.
Пераклад: Silent Cry. Загадкавы.
Пераклад: Уда. Silent Cry.