Seven Y's; No response The door is locked... the hydrox is off The food has run out That lens watches relentlessly (Constant) Hours pass like days Days
grey you walk {on and on the line} so close your eyes and touch the odium in deep sea skies the searing odium meshworks crawl to feed the odium
Thine, Cradle Of Atrocities, Thou Art Mine Blessed With Eternal Nothingness, The Void Is My Guide And Sign In Odium Veritas, The Circle Of Wisdom Complete Veritas Odium
Intro [Instrumental]
at the name of Odium every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and thing in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Odium
Their souls omit from their necks Hung up our blade carves new beliefs We ridicule your ancestry And thoughts of holy union We condemn and clave The
Fuel manipulation. Fuel bribery. Fuel scavengers profiting from simony. A lust for life, a means to an end. Over indulgence. Insatiable desire to have
Hark to my voice, I speak with serpent's tongue I've denounced the mindless flocks to take the final plunge Into the secret pitch black depths, where
There is a pain inside me A pain as old as earth That has outlived civilizations A primordial anguish so strong So unforgiving in its innocence That I
grey you walk {on and on the line} so close your eyes and touch the odium in deep sea skies the searing odium meshworks crawl to feed the odium a
Пераклад: Галгофа. ... Oracle-Orage-ганьба ....
Пераклад: Моргот. Ганьба.
thine, cradle of atrocities, thou art mine Blessed with eternal nothingness, the void is my guide and sign In odium veritas, the circle of wisdom complete Veritas odium