the devils of truth steal the souls of the free don't open your eyes take it from me i have found you can find happiness is slavery slave screams
the devils of truth steal the souls of the free don't open your eyes take it from me i have found you can find happiness is slavery slave screams he
Пераклад: Nine Inch Nails. Шчасце ў рабстве.
Пераклад: Nine Inch Nails. Шчасце ў рабстве (рэмікс Т. Рэзнар \u0026amp; C. Vrenna Вт / Pk.
: (Instrumental)
see the devils of truth steal the souls of the free don't open your eyes take it from me i have found you can find happiness is slavery slave screams
The devils of truth steal the souls of the free Don't open your eyes take it from me I have found You can find Happiness is slavery Slave screams he
slavery happiness in slavery slavery in slavery slave... happi... happiness happiness happiness happiness slavery slavery slavery slavery slavery slavery slavery slavery