Sista, Sista, why can't you see That I'm a part of you and you're a part of me And all I want is just to be your friend So Sista, Sista, won't you let
Sista, Sista, why can't you see That I'm a part of you And you're a part of me And all I want is to be your friend So Sista, Sista, won't you let me in
Пераклад: John Butler Trio. Апошняя.
Sista, Sista, why can't you see That I'm a part of you And you're a part of me And all I want is to be your friend So Sista, Sista, won't you let
: Sista, Sista, why can't you see That I'm a part of you And you're a part of me And all I want is to be your friend So Sista, Sista, won't you let
: Sista, Sista, why can't you see That I'm a part of you And you're a part of me And all I want is to be your friend So Sista, Sista, won't you let me
Sista, Sista, why can't you see That I'm a part of you And you're a part of me And all I want is to be your friend So Sista, Sista, won't you let me
poimivat joestaan lintuja suoja-asuissaan hikoavat visiirin sisA¤puolen kyyneleet lohduttomat joki kiehuu ongella mies onkimatta pA¤A¤ kalju peittA¤mA
satakuusi saatanan pirua murtaa taivaan portit kaksisataa infernon demonia teurastaa enkelijoukon kuusikymmentA¤ metallista petoa puhaltaa ydintalven