CHORUS: Won't it be a pretty wedding? Will not Lisa look delightful? Smiles and tears in plenty shedding-- Which in brides of course is rightful One could
me and the garden post One day, rainbows next day hailstorms Soundtrack to all our lives What we have here let's be quite clear Sea-levels on the rise And
remark So to is Blackpool long after dark Have nots deprived of their mortar and brick Doesn't it make you sick Doesn't it make you sick And suppose
to me There seemed no better place That you'd rather be Yet when it was over you told me You'd come back and pay me a call But you came and went so quickly
Congratulations everyone and two and three and four You've really made my day for me So here's what I've in store An ounce of tea that will if we Stir
the clouds beyond the sky Just you and me My love and I Above the clouds beyond the sky Just you and me my love Just you and me My love and I
possess So tomorrow I'll be off with nothing left in me Bar a helping of your tenderness All I ever get from you is breakfast dinner and tea Breakfast dinner and
hours And in June it's April showers I'll tell you something I believe is true Happiness is me and you Happiness is me and you Happiness is me and you
not a soul who'll stay out there And I don't think there will be tonight But we've got to accept what's right [Break] Thunder and lightning etc. I'
Пераклад: Гілберт і Саліван. Калі я быў Лад.
Пераклад: Гілберт і Саліван. Nevermind Чаму і навошта.
Пераклад: Гілберт і Саліван. Мой Галантны экіпажа, Добрай раніцы.
Пераклад: Гілберт і Саліван. Выгляд капітан, я Важная інфармацыя.
Пераклад: Гілберт і Саліван. Асцярожна на дыбачках Крадзеж.
Пераклад: Гілберт і Саліван. ЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬ.
Пераклад: Гілберт і Саліван. Three Little Служанкі З школы.
Пераклад: Гілберт і Саліван. Рызыкоўнае справа.
Пераклад: Гілберт і Саліван. Канчатковы.