Oh-oh-oh I'll burn the maps And feel the people all lost inside you Stamp your feet if you know where you're from. Love's a rose in the snow You turn
My soul finds rest in God alone He is my rock, my salvation, my fortress, I'll never be shaken my hope comes from Him You are my God my soul thirsts
stepped inside this depth of a dive with nothing but my vreath and this rep that im riding check around the room 2 get a fresh look most these names already
Chorus: (Be my woman tonight, Love me, Feelin' right)x2 Slug: Hey Lady I don't mean to be so forward But I got no other choice soon I'll be across the
[Murs] Do it with me Sean c'mon Girl let me break you down like a shotgun Not the crip game grab you by the hips and Pull you towards me, kinda softly
(Intro) I urge you to work your way out upon that limb as far as you can, If you see anything strange, let me know. (Slug) Back, without the punk's
Пераклад: Big Pink. Гарэзаваць.
Пераклад: Вучань. Лямец.
Пераклад: Лямец. Рана Добрай раніцы Тоні.
Пераклад: Лямец. Жанчына Tonight.
Пераклад: Скрыня Пандоры. У нашым жыцці Іншы адчуў.
Пераклад: Таварыства чумы. Сэрца Лямец Падробка.
Пераклад: Waterdeep. На ноч, лямца Састарэлыя.
: El viento sacude a los arboles Remonta sus hojas al vuelo Adorna a su antojo el atardecer, a los colores de otono Oh...colorcito de otono. Me quedo
: Cada vez que paso por tu calle Me quedo mirando tu ventana Para ver si te veo, si veo tu dulce figura Reflejada en un cristal, mirandome a la cara
: No me preguntes nina donde voy Que llevo mi corazon a tender Que dicen que el hielo bajo el sol se funde Y mi corazon es de hielo Anhelo de tu recuerdo
: No pasaban las horas en mi habitacion En la almohada aun seguia tu dulce sabor Te bajaste del tren, pero no en mi estacion Desde entonces no late mi
: Junto a la orilla te espero Sentado en la misma piedra Con el amargo sabor de tu lejana presencia El viento no sopla ya, las aves no vuelan El brillo