read. But stay forever Only the whiteness from empty spaces. Oh, how contemptuously laughted the beauty at time. But unfortunate forgot the time ruins also beauty. Time ruins also beauty
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My heart is crying, when my eyes are looking at heavens. My soul wants to scream, but the time never return
In darknesses I saw her cheerless world, In which eyes are drowned like aimless shots. Oh, orphaned was the rose, which her flower was taken away And
I am only solitary tree, standing in the main field, Which hasn't heart, but still it hurt him. Right to small girl alighted chilly cry full of loss
My numb wings... Already I don't know the words, Which once I have known. No perhaps because, I'd the god's beauty little sang. Something's perishing
Oh, how stone became for me this world, The world which once in my heart I liked to carry so. Oh, where has gone the rare flower, Whose thorns haven'
By the river of passion, empty longings without feeling, Is Dazbog's heart, did someone take him sun in dawn? It man disclaimed humility and to nymphs
the past Sailed through gloomy depth of my dreaming. The love vanished in my wishes And I kissed the flower of perdition. From the river of time with