Seediness of twisted worlds clashing lusts individuals over majority minority trying to survive love is equal to blood apocalyptic vision of the
Brothers and sisters, lets berserk the idols the message of implacability will be heard brothers and sisters, show me the unknown in the equation
Screwed ? up fast mutilated culture of human life violent suppresion of consonance which lies in vacuum infamous words fall on your head cowered
unintentional implement of physical satisfying let at disposal of a restricted cerebral capacity scars that will never get healed up forced simulation of comfort a vaginal alien
Destruction of inferior via dreams betrayal of the close ones, the ones of your kind background crumbling down before your own eyes perfect anger
Shrunk in the inner circle the groaning cannot be heard a bad strategy in a naive space to listen to the erective instincts bloodied from the sense
Crossed out from the list of the dead you are born again for this world who begged for this? why are they causing you pain again? endless circulation
of sufferings that don?t involve the aliens conscience become an alien that destroys the relish of living conscience becomes something else your inner alien