Bass tablature for "Step Into The Light" by "Dust For Life"

Artist: Dust For Life
Piece: Step Into The Light
Instrument: Bass
Submitter: bassboy99
Tab provided by tTabs


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song:step into the light 
artist:dust for life
album:dust for life
tabbed by bassboy99
tune down 1 step (D,G,C,F) it is actually a 5 string bass but i only have a 4 so i tabbed it from that. the strings are a little flappy but it still sounds okay
r=release bend
()=you could also play this
"friday when sunday's..."
"don't need to beg or borrow..."
Play this part before each fill, but for the first fill play the high E as a quarter and eighth note but on the other two it is a half note

-------------------------------------------------- Fill 1

-----9/11----h11-9h11--------------------------------- Fill 2

---4-4-4-4-----------        Fill 3

"I'll wait to see the way..."
time for more fills!
reapeat this however many times then do the fills in order

The bass is quiet on the fills but I think I got them

Fill 1 the first not is an eighth note and the rest are sixteenths

it is not complete yet but i will fix it in a few weeks. but the parts i have tabbed so far sound right so have fun


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