- Genres:
- Christian
- Composers:
- Paul Melley
- Artist:
- Paul Melley
- Format:
- CD
- Item types:
- Physical
- Usages:
- Sacred
SKU: GI.G-CD-859
Composed by Paul Melley. Sacred. CD. GIA Publications #859. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-CD-859).UPC: 785147085928.
“Songs can be the deepest expressions of the ideas that they contain. Sometimes it’s not enough to just say something.” —Paul Melley In his new collection, Paul Melley courageously examines what the love of God truly means to each of us. The poignant lament “Other Side of Prayer” profoundly expresses Paul’s own struggle with the complexity and paradox of our faith. In “Awoken,” Paul offers an enlightening glimpse at the miracle and sacredness of life. “Fill Us with Your Love” illustrates our joyful response to encountering God’s affection while the thoughtful hope of “New Creation” praises the Maker’s ability to fashion us as lovely, despite our shortcomings. With exquisite grace, “Set Me As a Seal” tenderly extols the beauty found in the sacrament of marriage. Song after song, this music powerfully illustrates the unconditional nature of God’s love, our endeavor to love God in return, and our challenge to love one another as God loves us. The messages contained in God Is Love offer comfort and invite us to enter into a deeper relationship with God, to be filled with the love of Christ Jesus, and to accept God’s call to pour out our love like a libation to the world.
SKU: GI.G-CD-859
Composed by Paul Melley. Sacred. CD. GIA Publications #859. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-CD-859).UPC: 785147085928.
“Songs can be the deepest expressions of the ideas that they contain. Sometimes it’s not enough to just say something.” —Paul Melley In his new collection, Paul Melley courageously examines what the love of God truly means to each of us. The poignant lament “Other Side of Prayer” profoundly expresses Paul’s own struggle with the complexity and paradox of our faith. In “Awoken,” Paul offers an enlightening glimpse at the miracle and sacredness of life. “Fill Us with Your Love” illustrates our joyful response to encountering God’s affection while the thoughtful hope of “New Creation” praises the Maker’s ability to fashion us as lovely, despite our shortcomings. With exquisite grace, “Set Me As a Seal” tenderly extols the beauty found in the sacrament of marriage. Song after song, this music powerfully illustrates the unconditional nature of God’s love, our endeavor to love God in return, and our challenge to love one another as God loves us. The messages contained in God Is Love offer comfort and invite us to enter into a deeper relationship with God, to be filled with the love of Christ Jesus, and to accept God’s call to pour out our love like a libation to the world.
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