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Trey Alexander - Atomic Rock Guitar. DVD. Region 0. Guitar. GTR.


Trey Alexander - Atomic Rock Guitar. DVD. Рэгіён 0. Гітара. GTR.


Designed to motivate and inspire students, Guitar Sherpa's innovative learning systems employ a hands-on, contextual format. Students "play" their way through Guitar Sherpa curriculum rather than working through tedious examples and exercises. Trey Alexander, winner of Guitar Player's Guitar Superstar award, opens up his big bag of improvisational, theoretical and technical chops to reveal the blazing techniques and high-level concepts that he has cultivated over years of intensive study, live performances and a tenacious dedication to his craft. Atomic Rock guides your development of the essential skills needed to succeed in today's modern rock arena. You'll learn fretboard navigation concepts and a variety of right and left hand techniques to facilitate easy movement both vertically and horizontally across the neck. Trey also drills down on a wide range of improvisational skills that will help you develop strong melodic statements and distinctive rhythmic grooves. Atomic Rock covers a broad range of modern rock concepts, including Trey's award-winning "Modern Equivalent". This course is designed to expose you to the variety of contemporary grooves, rhythmic patterns, techniques, phrasing and theoretical approaches that today's rock Guitarist must master. You'll work through ballads, up-tempo power grooves and jazz rock styles and also study expressive devices such as legato, tapping, sweep-picking and the use of harmonics to enhance a tune's melodic structure, avoiding shred for shred's sake. Atomic Rock is a hands-on playing course - you'll be rockin' out from the very first lesson and will quickly develop a raging addiction to your Atomic Rock practice sessions. Hands-On Learning Tools included with Atomic Rock Guitar. Text Lesson Guide, Standard Notation, Guitar Tab, Power Tab Files, Power Tab Software, Practice Rhythm Tracks, Bonus Material. Secure PIN enclosed in DVD package for quick and secure download of learning tools.


Распрацаваны, каб матываваць і натхніць студэнтаў, інавацыйныя сістэмы навучання гітары Шэрпа выкарыстоўваюць практычны, кантэкстная фармат. Студэнты "гуляць" іх шлях праз Guitar Sherpa вучэбнай праграмы, чым праца праз стомныя прыкладаў і практыкаванняў. Trey Alexander, winner of Guitar Player's Guitar Superstar award, opens up his big bag of improvisational, theoretical and technical chops to reveal the blazing techniques and high-level concepts that he has cultivated over years of intensive study, live performances and a tenacious dedication to his craft. Atomic Rock guides your development of the essential skills needed to succeed in today's modern rock arena. Вы даведаецеся грыфа навігацыі канцэпцыі і разнастайныя правай і левай тэхнікі рук для палягчэння руху па вертыкалі і гарызанталі праз шыю. Трэй таксама дэталізаваць на шырокім дыяпазоне імправізацыйна навыкаў, якія дапамогуць вам развіваць моцныя меладычныя заявы і адметныя рытмічныя канаўкі. Atomic Rock covers a broad range of modern rock concepts, including Trey's award-winning "Modern Equivalent". This course is designed to expose you to the variety of contemporary grooves, rhythmic patterns, techniques, phrasing and theoretical approaches that today's rock Guitarist must master. Вы будзеце працаваць праз балад, да тэмпу сілавых канавок і стыляў джаз рок, а таксама вывучыць выразныя прылад, такіх як легат, націснуўшы, разгорткі-збор і выкарыстанне гарамонік павышэння меладычны структуру мелодыі, каб пазбегнуць найменшых дзеля Shred ў. Atomic Rock is a hands-on playing course - you'll be rockin' out from the very first lesson and will quickly develop a raging addiction to your Atomic Rock practice sessions. Hands-On Learning Tools included with Atomic Rock Guitar. Тэкст Урок Кіраўніцтва, стандартныя абазначэння, Tab Гітара, магутнасць Tab Файлы, магутнасць Tab Праграмнае забеспячэнне, практыка Рытм Трэкі, Бонус матэрыял. Бяспечны PIN заключаны ў DVD ўпакоўцы для хуткага і бяспечнага запампоўкі сродкаў навучання.