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Jacques Ibert. Concertino Da Camera - MCMXXXV. Alto Saxophone and 11 instruments. Sheet Music. Saxophone. SAX. Jacques Ibert.


Жак Ібера. Concertino Da Camera - MCMXXXV. Alto Saxophone and 11 instruments. Ноты. Саксафон. SAX. Жак Ібера.


Concertino Da Camera , written in 1935 by Jacques Ibert. 1890-1962. , is a small concerto for Alto Saxophone and eleven instruments. Flute, Bassoon, Oboe, Horn, Trumpet and Strings. This concertino in two movements, Allegro con moto and Larghetto – Animato Molto, is dedicated to the saxophonist Sigurd Rascher and is notable for its large use of the Alto-Saxophone. It can be technically-challenging and has a strong lyrical part. This volume features the parts for all instruments as well as the full score. Its author, Jacques Ibert. 1890-1962. is a neoclassical composer who won the Prix de Rome in 1919. He composed many symphonic suites, operas and seven orchestras, including 'Angelique'. 1926. and 'Divertissement'. 1930. He was also in charge of the Accadémie de France in the Villa Médicis. Roma. and was later administrator for the Paris Opera. This concerto has some similarities with his Flute Concerto. 1934. , also published by Alphonse Leduc.


Канцэрціна Da Camera, напісаная ў 1935 Жак Іберыі. 1890-1962. , is a small concerto for Alto Saxophone and eleven instruments. Флейта, Фагот, Габой, рогі, трубы і струнных. This concertino in two movements, Allegro con moto and Larghetto – Animato Molto, is dedicated to the saxophonist Sigurd Rascher and is notable for its large use of the Alto-Saxophone. It can be technically-challenging and has a strong lyrical part. This volume features the parts for all instruments as well as the full score. Яе аўтар, Жак Іберыі. 1890-1962. з'яўляецца неакласічнага кампазітар, які выйграў Prix De Rome ў 1919 годзе. Ён напісаў шмат сімфанічных сюіт, опер і сем аркестраў, у тым ліку "Анжаліка". 1926. і "Забавы". 1930. Ён таксама адказвае за Accadémie дэ Франс ў Villa Медисиса. Рым. а затым быў адміністратар для Парыжскай Оперы. Гэта канцэрт мае некаторае падабенства з яго Канцэрт для флейты. 1934. , Таксама апублікаваў Альфонс Ледук.