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The Golden Years Of Revival Jazz Volume 5. Papa Bue. CD. Papa Bue. Sandy Brown's Jazzband. Johnny Parker Trio. Theis. Nyegaard Jazzband. Acker Bilk And His Paramount Jazzband. Ricardo's Jazzmen. Cy Laurie's New Orleans Septet. --.


Залатыя гады адраджэння Jazz Volume 5. Тата Буэ. Кампакт-дыск. Тата Буэ. Sandy Brown's Jazzband. Johnny Parker Trio. Theis. Nyegaard Jazzband. Acker Bilk And His Paramount Jazzband. Ricardo's Jazzmen. Cy Laurie's New Orleans Septet. --.


Part of a series of re-releases of Storyville’s traditional jazz repertoire, recorded from the beginning of the 50’s and into the 60’s. It all started in 1950 when Chris Barber came to Denmark. We introduced Chris to The Ramblers, and I even succeeded in persuading Memory. Danish Vogue to record 4 titles. In the following years. 1953 - 1963. Storyville’s 'artist-agency', Jazz Jamboree, booked a number of English artists for tours in Denmark. Ken Colyer, Chris Barber, Cy Laurie, Graham Stewart, Sandy Brown, Lennie Baldwin and Bob Wallis among others. These CDs contains the result of these visits that have been immortalized either in the studio or by concert recordings. Much of this material has not seen the light of day until now. The Danish bands were recorded at the same time. Papa Bue, Adrian Bentzon, Henrik Johansen, Bohana, Ricardo, Arne Birger, Theis-Nyegaard, etc. We have chosen to let the basis for the series be 45 EPs. In this way the 15 CDs, which the series contains, each start off with 3 EPs by 3 different artists. To that is added unreleased titles or material from earlier 45s and compilation LPs, so every CD represents 5-7 different bands.


Part of a series of re-releases of Storyville’s traditional jazz repertoire, recorded from the beginning of the 50’s and into the 60’s. It all started in 1950 when Chris Barber came to Denmark. We introduced Chris to The Ramblers, and I even succeeded in persuading Memory. Danish Vogue to record 4 titles. In the following years. 1953 - 1963. Сторивилле ў "мастак-агенцтва", Джаз Джамбори, забранявалі нумар ангельскіх мастакоў для экскурсій ў Даніі. Кен Colyer, Крыс Барбер, Су Лоры, Грэм Сцюарт, Sandy Brown, Лэні Болдуін і Боб Уоліс сярод іншага. These CDs contains the result of these visits that have been immortalized either in the studio or by concert recordings. Большая частка гэтага матэрыялу не бачыла дзённага святла да гэтага часу. The Danish bands were recorded at the same time. Тата Буэ, Эйдриан Бентзон, Хенрык Ёхансан, Bohana, Рыкарда, Арнэ Биргер, Тайс-Nyegaard, і г.д.. We have chosen to let the basis for the series be 45 EPs. In this way the 15 CDs, which the series contains, each start off with 3 EPs by 3 different artists. To that is added unreleased titles or material from earlier 45s and compilation LPs, so every CD represents 5-7 different bands.