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Phat Hitz On A Slim Budget With Kashif - Volume 2. DVD. Region 0. Kashif. --.


Phat Hitz рамяні на бюджэт з Kashif - Том 2. DVD. Рэгіён 0. Kashif. --.


These DVDs are jam packed with the backroom secrets that the major studio techs and big baller producers have been using for years. It's easy to understand and a load of fun to watch because it is hosted by our own big baller Kashif, the Grammy. -nominated songwriter. producer of such superstars as Whitney Houston, Janet Jackson, and Lil' Kim. If you are any type of performing musician and hope to have your music recorded one day, these are the DVDs for you. Special features include a glossary of terminology, Kashif's biography and discography, recommended equipment, and more. Mixing the Phat Hitz gives you a first-hand look at mixing in a studio as well as secrets from the pros on how to achieve the same sound from your own home studio. Learn how to make your music sound like it belongs on the radio, get big bangin' beats by mixing drums, EQ boomin' basses and still have clarity, make your vocals stand out, use compression, blending, limiting, gating, layering, FX, and much more.


Гэтыя DVD-дыскі з'яўляюцца варэнне запакаваная з закулісных сакрэтаў, што асноўныя санітараў студыі і буйныя вытворцы Baller ўжо выкарыстоўваюць на працягу многіх гадоў. Гэта лёгка зразумець, і нагрузка весела глядзець, таму што яно размешчана на нашым уласным вялікі Baller Kashif, Грэмі. -nominated песень. прадзюсер такіх суперзорак, як Уітні Х'юстан, Джанет Джэксан, і Lil 'Kim. Калі вы любы тып музыканта-выканаўцы і спадзяемся, што ваша музыка запісаная ў адзін цудоўны дзень, гэтыя DVD-дыскі для вас. Спецыяльныя функцыі ўключаюць у сябе гласарый тэрмінаў, біяграфіі Kashif-х і дыскаграфію, рэкамендуемае абсталяванне і многае іншае. Mixing the Phat Hitz gives you a first-hand look at mixing in a studio as well as secrets from the pros on how to achieve the same sound from your own home studio. Learn how to make your music sound like it belongs on the radio, get big bangin' beats by mixing drums, EQ boomin' basses and still have clarity, make your vocals stand out, use compression, blending, limiting, gating, layering, FX, and much more.