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Malcolm Riley. Paul Terry. Sight Reading Success - Piano Grade 3. Sheet Music, CD. Piano. PF.


Малькальм Райлі. Пол Тэры. Погляд Поспех Чытанне - Фартэпіяна Grade 3. Ноты, CD. План. PF.


Written by experienced examiners and teachers, each book in the Sight Reading Success series accurately reflects the style of the revised ABRSM tests so is the best possible resource to help students turn the dreaded sight-reading exam into a mere breeze. Uniquely, each book is accompanied by a CD, providing guidance through each test and demonstrating how it should sound. featuring Vocals by Kate Johnson and Piano by Harriet Power. These Sight Reading Success books are ideal for independent use by students of all ages. These books are a simply excellent way for Piano students to be led through the fundamentals of sight-reading, a hugely necessary skill for all players of Piano. This Grade 3 book will guide you through everything you might need in order to prepare for the exam, from more advanced rhythms and tempos, further key signatures, shifting fingering and two notes on the same hand. Towards the end of the book, as you get closer to Sight Reading Success , you are given lots of pieces that will allow you to practise everything you've learned so far. Not only this, but the accompanying CD lets you hear how each piece is meant to be played, so you can get it as perfect as possible. Written by experienced examiners and teachers, Sight Reading Success accurately reflects the style of the revised ABRSM tests. This also means that you will get some insider insight into the best ways to practise and prepare for the actual exam, as well as what to expect at the time. For the most efficient and effective preparation for the sight-reading exam, Sight Reading Success For Piano Grade 3 is the most authoritative and comprehensive guide to getting you that great grade in your forthcoming exam.


Written by experienced examiners and teachers, each book in the Sight Reading Success series accurately reflects the style of the revised ABRSM tests so is the best possible resource to help students turn the dreaded sight-reading exam into a mere breeze. Унікальна, кожная кніга суправаджаецца CD, забяспечваючы кіраўніцтва праз кожнага выпрабаванні і дэманстрацыі таго, як гэта павінна гучаць. featuring Vocals by Kate Johnson and Piano by Harriet Power. These Sight Reading Success books are ideal for independent use by students of all ages. These books are a simply excellent way for Piano students to be led through the fundamentals of sight-reading, a hugely necessary skill for all players of Piano. This Grade 3 book will guide you through everything you might need in order to prepare for the exam, from more advanced rhythms and tempos, further key signatures, shifting fingering and two notes on the same hand. Towards the end of the book, as you get closer to Sight Reading Success , you are given lots of pieces that will allow you to practise everything you've learned so far. Not only this, but the accompanying CD lets you hear how each piece is meant to be played, so you can get it as perfect as possible. Аўтар дасведчаных экспертаў і выкладчыкаў, Sight Поспех Чытанне дакладна адлюстроўвае стыль перагледжаных тэстаў ABRSM. Гэта таксама азначае, што вы атрымаеце некаторы інсайдэрскай разуменне лепшых спосабаў практыкаваць і падрыхтаваць для рэальнага іспыту, а таксама, чаго чакаць падчас. For the most efficient and effective preparation for the sight-reading exam, Sight Reading Success For Piano Grade 3 is the most authoritative and comprehensive guide to getting you that great grade in your forthcoming exam.