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Astor Piazzolla. Vuelvo Al Sur 10 Tangos And Other Pieces - Accordion. Sheet Music. Accordion. ACDN. Astor Piazzolla.


Астор Пьяццоллы. Vuelvo Al Sur 10 Танга і іншыя прадметы - Акардэон. Ноты. Акардэон. ACDN. Астор Пьяццоллы.


Ten magnificent tangos and other characteristic pieces by the Argentinian master of tango nuevo, skillfully arranged for Guitar by James Crabb, and now appearing in print for the first time. Intended for intermediate players, these are idiomatic versions of this beautiful and compelling music, based on Piazzolla's own recordings with his quintet and other ensembles. The volume includes Vuelvo al sur and Los sueños from the soundtrack to the film Sur. Fernando Solanas. and extracts from the incidental music to El sueño de una noche de verano. A Midsummer Night's Dream. Scottish-born classical accordionist James Crabb performs as a soloist and director with orchestras worldwide. He is a passionate authority on the music of Astor Piazzolla. He has recorded several CDs of Piazzolla's music and directed the operetta Maria de Buenos Aires from the Accordion. He has been a professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Music and regularly gives masterclasses at music institutions worldwide.


Ten magnificent tangos and other characteristic pieces by the Argentinian master of tango nuevo, skillfully arranged for Guitar by James Crabb, and now appearing in print for the first time. Прызначаны для прамежкавых гульцоў, гэта ідыёматычны версіі гэтай прыгожай і захапляльнай музыкі, заснаваны на ўласных запісаў Пьяццоллы з яго квінтэт і іншых ансамбляў. Аб'ём ўключае Vuelvo Al Sur і Los Suenos з саўндтрэку да фільма Sur. Фернанда Соланас. і здабывае з музыкі да Сон у летнюю ноч. Сон у летнюю ноч. Scottish-born classical accordionist James Crabb performs as a soloist and director with orchestras worldwide. He is a passionate authority on the music of Astor Piazzolla. He has recorded several CDs of Piazzolla's music and directed the operetta Maria de Buenos Aires from the Accordion. He has been a professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Music and regularly gives masterclasses at music institutions worldwide.
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