
Ноты $7.81


A Treasury of Songs for Young People. Sheet Music. Autoharp. Zither. ZITH.


Скарбніца песень для дзяцей і юнацтва. Ноты. Арфы. Цытра. ZITH.


The songs in this book are familiar to children of all ages. They include not only traditional children's songs, but also rounds, cowboy tunes, and popular Christmas songs. They have been arranged in the keys that are most suitable for singing, and can be played in a variety of styles using only the words and the accompanying chords. In cases where there are two versions of a particular tune, both have been included. If one version is not well known, however, the most widely used melody is selected. The songs are written as lyrics with chord symbols only. no music notation is provided.


The songs in this book are familiar to children of all ages. They include not only traditional children's songs, but also rounds, cowboy tunes, and popular Christmas songs. Яны былі арганізаваны ў ключах, якія найбольш падыходзяць для спеваў, і могуць быць прайграныя ў розных стылях з выкарыстаннем толькі словы і суправаджаючыя акорды. У выпадках, калі маюцца дзве версіі канкрэтнага мелодыі, як былі ўключаныя. Калі адна версія не вядома, аднак, што выбраны найбольш шырока выкарыстоўваным мелодыя. The songs are written as lyrics with chord symbols only. no music notation is provided.