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Soli Pop Hits CD. Various.


Солі Pop Hits CD. Розны.


Soli Pop Hits CD. De Haske Sampler CD. Composed by Various. For Concert Band. De Haske Concert Band CD. CD only. De Haske Publications #03038. Published by De Haske Publications. HL.44002049. Without You. You're Not Alone. Nocturne. The Show Must Go On. Voices. I Will Survive. Julia. Go West. Voulez Vous. Leningrad. Tom Traubert's Blues. The Cream of Clapton. Goodnight Saigon. Money, Money, Money. The Second Waltz. A Whiter Shade of Pale. Hard to Say I'm Sorry. Best Songs Ever. Abba Gold. Sailing. Matrimony. Storie di Tutti I Giorni. Earth Song. Lemon Tree. Heal The World. The Final Countdown. Yesterday When I Was Young. Supertramp. Candle In The Wind. Elton John in Concert. Old And Wise. It's A Sin. American Pie. as rec by Don McLean. Love And Marriage. Mambo No. 5.


Солі Pop Hits CD. Дэ Haske сэмплер CD. Напісаныя рознымі. Для канцэртнага аркестра. Дэ Haske Канцэрт гурта CD. Толькі CD. De Haske Publications #03038. Выдавец De Haske Публікацыі. HL.44002049. Without You. Вы не самотныя. Начны. Show Must Go On. Галасы. I Will Survive. Юлія. Загінуць. Вы хочаце. Ленінградская. Блюз Тома Traubert ў. Крэм Клэптана. Спакойнай ночы Сайгон. Грошы, грошы, грошы. Другі вальс. Белы цень ад Пале. Цяжка сказаць, што шкадую. Лепшыя песні Ever. Abba Gold. Парусны спорт. Шлюб. Storie di Tutti I Giorni. Earth Song. Lemon Tree. Heal The World. Апошні адлік. Учора When I Was Young. Supertramp. Candle In The Wind. Elton John in Concert. Стары і мудры. It's A Sin. Амерыканскі пірог. as rec by Don McLean. Каханне і шлюб. Мамба № 5.
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