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Rebel Les Caracteres de la Danse - La Terpsichore.


Rebel Les Caracteres de la Danse - La Terpsichore.


Rebel Les Caracteres de la Danse - La Terpsichore composed by Jean-Fery Rebel. Edited by Les Etudiants du C.E.F.E.D.E.M - Ile de France. For chamber ensemble or orchestra. La Musique Francaise Classique de 1650 a 1800. Chamber Music. Full score. 28 pages. Published by Anne Fuzeau Productions - France. FZ.50526. ISBN M049505260. Chamber Music. 22.00 x 30.00 cm inches. This facsimile of an original by Jean-Fery Rebel is part of our French classical music collection. Classical music scores - sheet music - Rebel - Les Caracteres de la Danse - La Terpsichore - Orchestra. Edition. Les Caracteres de la Danse, fantaisie. Paris, l'auteur, Le Clerc, 1715. Full score. La Terpsichore, sonate. Paris, veuve Foucault, 1720. Full score. Preface by Dona Borel. CEFEDEM Ile de France. Les Caracteres de la Danse. Dona Borel's preface discusses the typical bow strokes for these dances, according to French XVIIIth century theoretical works dealing with the subject. This is an extremely useful addition to our edition. Les Caracteres de la Danse, a fantasy published in 1715, was an immediate success. Its composition is both original and unique. ten French dances linked together and therefore to be played as a whole two short movements of an Italianate sonata are inserted at the end of the work. This work was originally designed for dancing and the best French dancers of the period performed it. for example, Mademoiselle Salle or la Camargo. In Paris it was danced at the Academie Royale de Musique. Opera. , at the Theatre Italien or the Comedie Francaise, but was also performed abroad. How many performers can be used. Although noted for reduced numbers, the score published here is clearly conceived for an orchestra. solo flute with bass played by the violins. note the plural. in the sarabande, - gigue and gavotte played by the violins two oboe parts accompanied by the bassoons in the passepied and especially the top part of the musette played by the oboes and the second part by the violins. It is therefore obvious that there were several violins, several oboes and several bassoons for each of these parts. The published score could eventually be completed by the addition of intermediate parts. The separate parts held in Agen - which are believed to have come from Dresden - confirm the notion of orchestration, without it being certain that these parts are copied from the composer's original material, as the latter has not come down to us. The published score could be completed by the addition of intermediate parts. However the present score could be played as it stands in chamber music formation for small numbers. 2 violins, one flute, 2 oboes and continuo bass with cello or viol and a bassoon, and harmonic realization by the harpsichord. The pedagogical aspect of the work. Les Caracteres de la danse is of undeniable pedagogical interest to present-day musicians. Each dance presents a typical theme and the tempi are standard. The fact of linking up the dances implies complete mastery of each tempo and character. Chamber music formation enables this work to be used as first-rate teaching material. Tempi. The tempo of each dance at the time the work was composed should be noted, also taking into account the time signatures. Prelude, three rather slow beats. inegale quavers will enliven the piece. Bourree, two fast beatsChaconne, three moderate beatsSarabande, two slow beatsGigue, two fast beats, but not excessively fastRigaudon, two fast beatsPassepied, 3 fast beats. to be played one-to-the bar. Gavotte, two moderate beatsLoure, two ponderous beatsMusette, two moderate, graceful beatsThe two sonata incursions are "loud and fast". the composer's indications. This work uses only related keys with no great harmonic surprises the interest of the work lies elsewhere. EditionsTwo editions of the original appeared. one dating from 1715, the other, reproduced here, is of later date. after 1728. , although it still bears the date 1715. When the first edition was printed, Jean-Fery Rebel was living in the present-day rue des Petits-Champs, at the corner of rue Sainte-Anne. The second edition finds him rue Saint-Vincent, a part of the present-day rue Saint Roch, between rue de Rivoli and rue Saint-Honore. La Terpsichore. We have combined in this edition Les Caracteres de la Danse and La Terpsichore, since the latter was the ancient goddess of dance. In addition, La Terpsichore, which also links several movements, includes two siciliennes, a form which does not appear in Les Caracteres de la Danse. Furthermore, La Terpsichore contains a gigue entitled L'Angloise, which is in fact a typically Italianate gigue, whereas those of Les Caracteres de la Danse are typically French. These scores are therefore complementary. Those interested in this composer could read the excellent book by Catherine Cessac. Jean-Rery Rebel, Paris CNRS editions, 2007. More informations on the blogCollection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France. Training Centre for Music Teachers. He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of a copy in the Library of Nederlands Muziek Instituut of La Haye. Netherlands. Anne Fuzeau Classique propose period copies of classical music scores.


Rebel Les Caracteres de la Danse - La Terpsichore composed by Jean-Fery Rebel. Пад рэдакцыяй студэнтаў CEFEDEM - Іль дэ Франс. For chamber ensemble or orchestra. Класічны французскі Музыка ад 1650 да 1800. Камерная музыка. Партытура. 28 старонак. Апублікавана Ганны Fuzeau Productions - Францыя. FZ.50526. ISBN M049505260. Камерная музыка. 22.00 х 30.00 см цаляў. Гэта факсіміле арыгінала Жана-Fery Rebel з'яўляецца часткай нашай французскай класічнай музычнай калекцыі. Classical music scores - sheet music - Rebel - Les Caracteres de la Danse - La Terpsichore - Orchestra. Выданне. Les Caracteres de la Danse, fantaisie. Paris, l'auteur, Le Clerc, 1715. Партытура. La Terpsichore, sonate. Paris, veuve Foucault, 1720. Партытура. Preface by Dona Borel. CEFEDEM Ile de France. Les Caracteres de la Danse. Dona Borel's preface discusses the typical bow strokes for these dances, according to French XVIIIth century theoretical works dealing with the subject. This is an extremely useful addition to our edition. Les Caracteres de la Danse, a fantasy published in 1715, was an immediate success. Its composition is both original and unique. ten French dances linked together and therefore to be played as a whole two short movements of an Italianate sonata are inserted at the end of the work. This work was originally designed for dancing and the best French dancers of the period performed it. for example, Mademoiselle Salle or la Camargo. In Paris it was danced at the Academie Royale de Musique. Опера. , at the Theatre Italien or the Comedie Francaise, but was also performed abroad. How many performers can be used. Although noted for reduced numbers, the score published here is clearly conceived for an orchestra. solo flute with bass played by the violins. note the plural. in the sarabande, - gigue and gavotte played by the violins two oboe parts accompanied by the bassoons in the passepied and especially the top part of the musette played by the oboes and the second part by the violins. It is therefore obvious that there were several violins, several oboes and several bassoons for each of these parts. The published score could eventually be completed by the addition of intermediate parts. The separate parts held in Agen - which are believed to have come from Dresden - confirm the notion of orchestration, without it being certain that these parts are copied from the composer's original material, as the latter has not come down to us. The published score could be completed by the addition of intermediate parts. However the present score could be played as it stands in chamber music formation for small numbers. 2 violins, one flute, 2 oboes and continuo bass with cello or viol and a bassoon, and harmonic realization by the harpsichord. The pedagogical aspect of the work. Les Caracteres de la danse is of undeniable pedagogical interest to present-day musicians. Each dance presents a typical theme and the tempi are standard. The fact of linking up the dances implies complete mastery of each tempo and character. Chamber music formation enables this work to be used as first-rate teaching material. Часы. The tempo of each dance at the time the work was composed should be noted, also taking into account the time signatures. Prelude, three rather slow beats. inegale quavers will enliven the piece. Bourree, two fast beatsChaconne, three moderate beatsSarabande, two slow beatsGigue, two fast beats, but not excessively fastRigaudon, two fast beatsPassepied, 3 fast beats. to be played one-to-the bar. Gavotte, two moderate beatsLoure, two ponderous beatsMusette, two moderate, graceful beatsThe two sonata incursions are "loud and fast". the composer's indications. This work uses only related keys with no great harmonic surprises the interest of the work lies elsewhere. EditionsTwo editions of the original appeared. one dating from 1715, the other, reproduced here, is of later date. after 1728. , although it still bears the date 1715. When the first edition was printed, Jean-Fery Rebel was living in the present-day rue des Petits-Champs, at the corner of rue Sainte-Anne. The second edition finds him rue Saint-Vincent, a part of the present-day rue Saint Roch, between rue de Rivoli and rue Saint-Honore. La Terpsichore. We have combined in this edition Les Caracteres de la Danse and La Terpsichore, since the latter was the ancient goddess of dance. In addition, La Terpsichore, which also links several movements, includes two siciliennes, a form which does not appear in Les Caracteres de la Danse. Furthermore, La Terpsichore contains a gigue entitled L'Angloise, which is in fact a typically Italianate gigue, whereas those of Les Caracteres de la Danse are typically French. These scores are therefore complementary. Those interested in this composer could read the excellent book by Catherine Cessac. Jean-Rery Rebel, Paris CNRS editions, 2007. Больш інфармацыі на blogCollection кантраляваныя музыказнаўца Жан Санкт-Arroman, прафесар вышэйшай нацыянальнай кансерваторыі дэ Musique і інш дэ Danse Парыжа і ў той CEFEDEM Іль-дэ-Франс. Навучальны цэнтр для настаўнікаў музыкі. Ён з'яўляецца аўтарам большасці нашых прадмоў і таксама прымаў удзел у пошуках бібліятэчных. Facsimile of a copy in the Library of Nederlands Muziek Instituut of La Haye. Нідэрланды. Эн Fuzeau Classique прапанаваў перыяду копіі класічных балаў музычных.
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