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Heaven Is My Home. Sally K. Albrecht. Choir sheet music.
Heaven Is My Home. Салі К. Альбрэхт. Хор ноты.
Heaven Is My Home composed by Sally K. Albrecht. Choir Sacred. SATB choir. Choral Octavo. Choral Designs. All Saints Day. Easter. Fall. Holy Week. Lent. Sacred. Spiritual. Spring. Choral Octavo. 12 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.19194. Sally Albrecht has created this swinging, original spiritual in editions for SATB and SSAB for mixed groups of all ages. The basses open with the rhythmic melody and the other voices join in turn. Includes a medium-range solo for one female and one male. Independent vocal writing makes it exciting for singers and audiences alike. It's sure to impress the judges at contests and adjudications. Consider it for festivals, too. A cappella. The Alfred Choral Designs Series provides student and adult choirs with a variety of secular choral music that is useful, practical, educationally appropriate, and a pleasure to sing. To that end, the Choral Designs series features original works, folk song settings, spiritual arrangements, choral masterworks, and holiday selections suitable for use in concerts, festivals, and contests.
Heaven Is My Home composed by Sally K. Albrecht. Хор Свяшчэнная. SATB хор. Харавая Octavo. Харавыя Канструкцыі. Дзень усіх святых. Велікодны. Падаць. Вялікі тыдзень. Вялікі пост. Святы. Духоўны. Вясна. Харавая Octavo. 12 старонак. Апублікавана Альфрэдам музыкі. AP.19194. Sally Albrecht has created this swinging, original spiritual in editions for SATB and SSAB for mixed groups of all ages. The basses open with the rhythmic melody and the other voices join in turn. Includes a medium-range solo for one female and one male. Independent vocal writing makes it exciting for singers and audiences alike. It's sure to impress the judges at contests and adjudications. Consider it for festivals, too. А капэла. Альфрэд Харавая Дызайн серыі забяспечвае студэнтаў і дарослых хораў з рознымі свецкай харавой музыкі, які карысны, практычны, адукацыйна неабходнасці, і задавальненне спяваць. З гэтай мэтай, Харавая Дызайн серыі прадстаўлены арыгінальныя працы, налады народная песня, духоўныя меры, харавыя шэдэўры, і святочныя выбар падыходных для выкарыстання на канцэртах, фестывалях і конкурсах.