


Since I have placed my trust in God. Thomas Clark. Instrumental introduction and interludes for two treble instruments and one bass instrument. sung sections for SATB with figured instrumental bass. Sacred , Hymn Meter. 86. 86. C.M. Language. English. SATB.


Так я паставіў маю веру ў Бога. Томас Кларк. Інструментальная ўкараненне і перапынкі на працягу двух патройных інструментаў і аднаго басовага інструмента. спяваюць секцыі для SATB з фігурным інструментальнай бас. Святы, Гімн Meter. 86. 86. СМ. Мова. Англійская. SATB.


A setting of verses from Tate & Brady's New Version of Psalm 11, from p1 of A Set of Psalm Tunes with Symphonies and an Instrumental Bass , London. 1805. Hymn Tune Index tune number 10913. Thomas Clark set the same text to a different tune in his later collection An Eighth Set of Psalm Tunes , London. c1830.


A setting of verses from Tate & Brady's New Version of Psalm 11, from p1 of A Set of Psalm Tunes with Symphonies and an Instrumental Bass , London. 1805. Hymn Tune Index tune number 10913. Thomas Clark set the same text to a different tune in his later collection An Eighth Set of Psalm Tunes , London. c1830.