


Laudate Dominum. Anonymous. A cappella. Sacred , Motet. Language. Latin. SSSS.BBBB.


Laudate Dominum. Ананімны. А капэла. Святы, Вакальная музыка. Мова. Latin. SSSS.BBBB.


This “unicum” has been transcribed from the København manuscript KB 1872. The manuscript, 7 partbooks of 8, was copied by the chief of the royal Dutch band, the German trumpeter Jørgen Heyde, for the use of the band instrumentalists and, while almost all the pieces are vocal, there are very few texts. the lyrics underlay is mine. The piece is arranged for the instruments, as several partbooks have the indication “4 zinken und 4 pusaun”. 4 cornets and 4 sackbuts. , or similar. For a singing performance the voices can be transposed to a more suitable range.


Гэта "Унікум" ужо былі расшыфраваныя з Капенгаген рукапісы КБ 1872. Рукапіс, 7 partbooks 8, быў скапіяваны з начальнікам каралеўскай галандскай групы, нямецкага трубача Ёрген Heyde, для выкарыстання паласы інструменталістаў, і, хоць амаль усе часткі вакалу, ёсць вельмі трохі тэкстаў. the lyrics underlay is mine. The piece is arranged for the instruments, as several partbooks have the indication “4 zinken und 4 pusaun”. 4 cornets and 4 sackbuts. , or similar. For a singing performance the voices can be transposed to a more suitable range.