
Вершы: Chumbawamba. L - Invasion.

By building up the means for war, we thus preserve the peace
Such bullshit will prepare us for invasion from the east
And meanwhile, they're carving up the land
The anglo-american military have taken full command
It's keeping us fed we're consuming it all
Fat on its culture and military control
Preparing for war bit by bit
Whilst we're watching its telly and eating its shit
They've got it all worked out and we give our consent
They've got it all worked out and we give our consent
They've got it all worked out and we give our consent
They've got it all worked out for Central America
They've got it all worked out for Ireland
By sitting back and keeping silent we give them our consent
Born in the shadow of the USA
Taught the fundamental bullshit every day
Force fed on a diet of Great British lies
Media distortions censor our minds
Passive spectators of royalty
Too diverted to care if we're free

ICI, BP, Thorn EMI
Red, white, and blue logos, British pride
With a Big Mac in one hand and a Coke at our sides
We've accepted their culture and swallowed their lies
They've put up more fences, watched us and spied
And cleverly told us they've got nothing to hide
For too long we've watched them preparing for battle
But the fightback is started little by little
Kicking at the midst of passive defense
Refusing cruise means tearing down fences
At Greenham and Molesworth, fences you can see
But then there's all the barriers that are built around me
Political, economic, cultural, social
And people who live in glass houses
Shouldn't encourage others to throw stones
Let the glossy shop fronts know what to expect
And colonel Sanders, you're next

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